Taking care of the ‘povo do pão’

Creating collaboration and dialog among participants of a social project





social constructionism, integrative community therapy, dialogue, collaboration


This study aimed to build a conversational space among participants of a NGO, with the purpose of promoting bonds, collaboration, and dialogue. As a procedure, we held an initial meeting, five rounds of Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) and an interview with each participant. For analysis purposes, we highlighted in the ICT circles: feelings of impotence and anxiety as the most frequent themes; and as coping strategies, religiosity and spirituality. As for the interviews, we organized the remarkable moments into six themes: conversational agreements; interpersonal bonds; new vision of oneself; collaboration and shared learning; playfulness; institutional policy. Our results suggest that the ICT methodology was suitable for our objectives and could be useful for institutions and teams.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Teixeira da Costa, INTERFACI, Indianópolis, São Paulo/SP

Mestre em Psicologia Social IPUSP, Facilitadora de processos grupais, Docente de Investigação Apreciativa pelo INTERFACI.

Marilene A. Grandesso, INTERFACI, Indianópolis, São Paulo/SP

Doutora eem Psicologia Clínica pela PUC, Fundadora e coordenadora do INTERFACI, Coordenadora do Certificado em Práticas Colaborativo-Dialógicas-ICCP INTERFACI, professora e supervisora de Terapia Familiar e de Casal pelo NUFAC- PUC-SP.



How to Cite

Teixeira da Costa, M. F., & Grandesso, M. A. . (2023). Taking care of the ‘povo do pão’: Creating collaboration and dialog among participants of a social project. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 32(77), 99–116. https://doi.org/10.38034/nps.v32i77.761


