Characteristics and Family Perspectives of Involuntarily Hospitalized Patients:

A Systematic Review




families, compulsory hospitalization, mental health, careful


Mental health care is usually a challenge for families that have one of their members with a mental disorder, like for those who, by chance, need help, especially with regard to compulsory hospitalization. From this problem, it is necessary to understand the circumstances that are present in families with such adversity. This article aims to systematically review studies that analyzed and deepened the theme of families and their relationship with compulsory hospitalization. For this, LILACS, PUBMED and SciELO databases were used and, in the end, 14 articles were selected. In the analysis, it can be observed that the family plays a fundamental role in the therapy, even if the thoughts of the family hover between relief and guilt. Furthermore, there was a scarcity of literature on the subject, as well as the perceived importance of women in the treatment, since most mothers become responsible for the sick family member.


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Author Biographies

Eduarda Maurer, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo/RS

Acadêmica de Medicina da Universidade Feevale.

Rogério Lessa Horta, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo/RS

Médico Psiquiatra Terapeuta Familiar, Professor e Pesquisador Universidade Feevale.

Mariana Wiedenhoft Fonseca, Universidade Feevale

Acadêmica de Medicina da Universidade Feevale.

Valentina Peters Piazza

Acadêmica de Medicina da Universidade Feevale.



How to Cite

Maurer, E., Horta, R. L., Fonseca, M. W., & Piazza , V. P. (2023). Characteristics and Family Perspectives of Involuntarily Hospitalized Patients:: A Systematic Review. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 32(76), 81–93.


