"To be a father is to be present”

conceptions of fathers who respond to intimate partner violence judicial process





paterniy, violence, father, intimate partner violence, transgenerationality


This study aims to understand the conceptions of paternity of men who respond to a legal process under the Maria da Penha Law. Three online focus groups were held, totalizing 21 participants. As a result of the Thematic Analysis, four main themes were obtained: Paternity and Gender, Educate, Fathers and their Fathers and Remarkable Moments. There was an emphasis on conceptions of fatherhood permeated by affection, presence and care, but also authority and material provision. Furthermore, the reports of father’s experiences with their own fathers promoted reflections about transgenerationality both through repetition and desire for changes. It is necessary to look at men who are perpetrators of violence against women also as fathers so as not to reduce them to the violent act. The need for studies that address paternity and its exercise in contexts of violence is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Paola Gonçalves e Alves, INFAPA - Instituto da Família de Porto Alegre, RS

Psicóloga, Terapeuta Sistêmica: individual, casal e familia (INFAPA). Pós-graduada em Psicologia Hospitalar (Hospital Moinhos de vento) e Mestra em Psicologia e Saúde (UFSCPA).

Mariana Gonçalves Boeckel , Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre - UFCSPA, Porto Alegre/RS

Psicóloga, Terapeuta Familiar e de Casal (Unisinos/Accademia Di Psicoterapia Della Famiglia), Mestre e Doutora em Psicologia (PUCRS/Universitat de València), professora e pesquisadora no Curso de Psicologia e no Programa de Pós Graduação em Psicologia e Saúde (UFCSPA).



How to Cite

Gonçalves e Alves, P., & Boeckel , M. G. (2022). "To be a father is to be present”: conceptions of fathers who respond to intimate partner violence judicial process. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 31(74), 69–85. https://doi.org/10.38034/nps.v31i74.679


