A social constructionist exploration of therapeutic expertise





social construction, therapist expertise, forms of practice


The issue of therapeutic expertise is important to consider, particularly in the context of training new therapists. Systemic and constructionist training programs — as well as systemic and constructionist therapeutic practice — are confronted with a special dilemma when it comes to articulating the skills or abilities that will be attributed to therapist expertise. Social construction is best understood as a philosophical stance that one takes and therefore, no particular technique or set of actions are prescribed. How then, do we understand the expertise of a constructionist therapist? What forms of practice does social construction, as a discursive option, offer therapists? What do we do, as therapists, once we propose that meaning emerges in the on-going flow of persons in situated activity? What are the implications of this form of practice for the therapeutic relationship? This article examines these questions.


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Author Biography

Sheila McNamee, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshir

Professora de Comunicação Social, Universidade de New Hampshire. Fundadora e membro do The Taos Institute. Professora visitante, School of Governance, Universidade Utrecht, Holanda.



How to Cite

McNamee, S., & Soares, C. (2024). A social constructionist exploration of therapeutic expertise. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 33(78), 7–16. https://doi.org/10.38034/nps.v33i78.823


